When someone calls me to ask for help to deal with their anxiety the first thing I ask is whether they have seen a doctor about it. Most people say yes and proceed to tell me that they did every test possible and everything came up fine. Doctors do this to rule out a medical condition since anxiety can be caused by hormonal problems among other things.

I know that Doctors and holistic practitioners may have different ways to testing so I decided to list a few things that can either cause or contribute to anxiety and even panic attacks in some people.

1.- High Insulin levels which can be caused by eating a high glycemic index diet (potatoes, white rice, white flour products, pasta, sweets, sodas,etc). For example, eating a donut and coffee in the morning can raise blood pressure and insulin levels. If you are already experiencing stress or anxiety, eating a diet high in carbs, sugar and coffee would be like adding more fuel to the fire.

2.- Food Intolerances or Sensitivities are not the same as Food allergies. The symptoms can be milder and noticed a few hours or 2-3 days after eating a particular food. The most common ones: Gluten, milk, eggs, soy and nuts.

3.- Nutritional Deficiencies  can also cause or contribute to anxiety. Lack of B vitamins, specially B-12, B6 and Folate can cause mental issues. Lack of Iron and Omega 3 fatty acids are also linked to anxiety. Vitamin D is important for mental health and everyone living in northern regions should take vitamin D supplements in winter time. Lack of Vitamin D has been linked to Depression and Multiple Sclerosis.

4.- Low Thyroid. A blood test can indicate if levels are outside the normal range. Table salt usually has iodine added but if you don’t use salt or use very little you may want to consider adding some  sea salt, seaweed or iodine to your diet. Thyroid function can also be affected by lack the amino acid L-tyrosine and selenium. The key is to eat a balanced healthy diet including plenty of vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains.

5.- Other Hormonal problems. A drop in estrogen during menopause can cause anxiety, depression and sleeping problems for some women. It is important to talk to your doctor and/or naturopath to diagnose a hormonal problem and address it.  Adrenal Fatigue due to chronic stress can also cause anxiety, depression and sleeping problems. It is important to make time everyday to relax, exercise, eat healthy and sleep enough hours. No diet or medication can replace these things!

6.- Microbiome (microbiota) Imbalance. Your microbiome are all the bacteria and microorganisms  that live in your intestines and produces many of the B vitamines as well as Vitamin K. Although serotonin is well known as a brain neurotransmitter, it is estimated that 90 percent of the body’s serotonin is made in the digestive tract. Serotonin is a chemical that has a wide variety of functions in the human body. It is sometimes called the happy chemical, because it contributes to wellbeing and happiness. The scientific name for serotonin is 5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT. It is mainly found in the brain, bowels, and blood platelets. We are beginning to understand the relationship between gut health and mental health. Eating a whole nutritious diet and consuming fermented foods can help improve your microbiome.

In some cases, Anxiety can be due to a combination of psychological issues and lifestyle. Hypnosis is a very safe and relaxing way modality to complement any other treatment you might be following since it can help you relax physically and mentally, develop greater emotional intelligence, optimism and get control over your life.


Call for a Free Consultation 905-277-1113

By Fabiola Miguel

Certified Hypnotist, NLP practitioner, Life Coach and Holistic Nutritionist

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