Hypnosis for Fear of Public Speaking

HYPNOSIS FOR FEAR OF PUBLIC SPEAKING (PERFORMANCE ANXIETY)Fear of Public Speaking is the number one fear in the world, after Fear of Death. You read that right. How is it possible that some people stress so much about speaking in public that they shake, sweat, breath heavily and get paralyzed to the point that they can’t talk? All of these are symptoms of intense fear or what we call the “Fight or Flight” response that we are supposed to experience in dangerous situations. All of that adrenaline is supposed to give you the energy to either run away or defend yourself from danger. So what’s going on here?

We are naturally wired to live in groups or communities since this helped our ancestors survive and help each other. This means that it was important for our ancestors to be liked by others and be accepted into a group. Nobody wanted to be an outcast back then, and nobody wants to be an outcast now. This is why it’s important for us to feel accepted and liked by others even today. Speaking in public might make some people more vulnerable to judgement and disapproval by others. However, this is usually a habit that either starts in childhood or after an unpleasant experience like a presentation that did not go so well.

Hypnosis can help get to the cause of the problem and eliminate it, change negative thoughts and feelings related to past experiences, increase relaxation, confidence, positive thinking, self-control and motivation to do more presentations or speak in public. Many people have already gone to Toastmasters, which can help increase skills and practice  but doesn’t really help overcome the fear or address the real issue.

“The fears we don’t face become our limitations”. You deserve to enjoy life, advance in your career or business and feel proud and confident. Call for your Free Consultation!

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Fabiola Miguel is a Certified Hypnotist and Holistic Nutritionist in Mississauga, a suburb of Toronto, Canada.

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